Thermal Labels

In March of 2020, many companies closed their doors. Some were permanent—while others were simply due to the pandemic. Many individuals struggled to support their families under uncertain times. Others pivoted their dreams and decided to start businesses.

Local artists created masks & small companies started producing hand sanitizer to combat shortages. These individuals have remarkable courage—finding ways to succeed through hardship and unknown times. These small businesses are making an incredible impact.

We at PackagingSuppliesByMail want to thank all businesses for diligently showing up during the COVID-19 pandemic. Below are some tips to design incredible unboxing experiences—even in hard times.

Direct Thermal Labels

SIGHT – Building a Brand

Visually distinct packaging makes your company stand out from others. To start, research similar stores that carry your product. If a similar company creates bold packaging—try taking a minimalistic approach. Some products might use elegant script to enliven customers’ senses—try experimenting with bolder font styles. Remember, you want your packaging to look different from others. Build an experience like no other brand on the shelves.

 Take time to research how specific colors create certain moods as well. According to 99 Designs, a website where professional designers create brands for companies, “The way different colors effect emotions depends largely on the color’s brightness, shade, tint or tone. . .” Brighter colors like orange or yellow create a happy or energetic feeling. Pastels & lighter colors create a sense of calm & simplicity. Choose colors that will compliment your brand.

A simple way to add a pop of color to your shipments is through Colored Thermal Transfer Labels. Choose from Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, or Yellow for your shipments. Color coordinate with your store or brand colors for a special touch.

SMELL – Evoke Memories

Smell is one of the most important senses when creating a superior unboxing experience. This sense often goes unnoticed by brands. However, specific scents can evoke memories within customers. A child might smell a specific perfume and think of a maternal figure.

According to Reed Pacific Media, a provider of scented advertising techniques, “People remember 35 percent of what they smell, 5 percent of what they see, 2 percent of what they hear, and 1 percent of what they touch.” Smell communicates with customers on a deeper level. Creating a quality scent will have customers thinking of your company days after their purchase.

Colored Labels

TOUCH – Stand Out

Adding touch to an unboxing experience does not have to be complicated. Create a unique finish or texture that stands out from other companies. Ryan Szporer, a writer for a quality control software company mentions, “After all, holding a product gives one a sense of ownership that can become a reality if right packaging decisions are made. . .” The longer a customer holds your product—the more likely they are to buy it. Companies that create pull-tabs or pop ups within their packaging draw buyers’ attention further.

Glamour Bubble Mailers are a perfect way to stand out from others. Choose from silver, gold, black, purple, blue, green, or red to add a pop of color to smaller shipments. Textured, metallic mailers are sure to leave customers in awe.

SOUND – Create Deeper Connection

Distinct sounds can become associated with your brand over time. Most people know the sound of a Harley Davidson Motorcycle engine revving at a stoplight. Harley motorcycles have a specific exhaust sound that most people know already. Many individuals do not have to physically see that bike to know the company who made it.

Companies do not have to create extravagant sounds to draw customers’ attention. Sounds can come from opening a box with a specific tool or crinkling a plastic wrapper. These sounds create an even deeper connection with customers. Eventually, small sounds can remind customers of your brand unconsciously.

Packaging Supplies

TASTE – Making an Impact

Great taste leaves a lasting impact on a buyer. Taste can be thought of as the overall unboxing experience. If your brand has awakened the senses thus far, chances are you have a great product.

Incredible unboxing experiences guide customers back to brands. From the overall appearance of a package, to its contents—a little extra touch is always noticed. A simple design or eye catching essence draws individuals to purchase product. A superior understanding of senses & product design helps buyers engage with your brand further.

Congratulations on starting or revamping your company. We hope these tips encourage you to strive for superior customer experiences.

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