There’s nothing more exciting than seeing a package on your front door when you get home—it’s like Christmas morning. However, you’d be even more amazed if you knew about the process it took to get the item to your door. Packaging and supply companies go through a lot of work to bring you your packages. This article will discuss factors to consider when packaging a product so that you can develop a newfound appreciation for the items on your doorstep.



The primary factor to consider when packaging a product is security. Packages pass through so many hands before they end up on your doorstep. For this reason, packaging companies must use durable products to ensure nothing breaks during transport. Damaged packages are bad for business and could cause revenues to go down.

A great way to add a sense of security to packaging is Tamper-Evident Tape. This durable tape shows if a package has been opened or damaged previously. A visual warning mentions, “Caution: If Seal is Broken, Check Contents.” Customers can feel at ease with this extra security feature.


Size and Weight

You must also consider the size and weight of packages when shipping them. Again, a package can become damaged if companies don’t wrap them properly. Bigger packages will require more material than smaller ones.

Also, think about the shape of the packages you’re shipping. Some angles and edges may make it impossible for you to wrap correctly, so you’ll need to use extra material. Consider adding bubble wrap to sharp corners or irregular items. Extra padding helps secure packages even further.


Ease of Use

There’s nothing more frustrating than getting a package and not being able to open it. Packaging and supply companies need to keep the end-user in mind when sending materials. Of course, you want things wrapped for durability reasons. However, the person should still be able to open the product when it arrives. Avoid using too much tape when wrapping up packages. Customers want their products secure – not a hassle to open.

PackagingSuppliesByMail has superior packaging and shipping supplies. We have top-of-the-line stretch wraps and packing tapes that’ll keep your packages secure and your customers happy. We know that weak packaging can cause you to lose customers. We want to help you become continuously successful, so that you can grow your business however you want.