personal protective equipment

“Grandpa!” she yelled - running into his arms. Weeks after quarantine ended, Grandpa finally got to embrace his granddaughter. COVID changed his daily activities, and he missed spending time with her. With safety concerns increasing, many have stayed away from their family members. Thanks to “Grandpa!” she yelled—running into his arms. Weeks after quarantine ended, Grandpa finally got to embrace his granddaughter. COVID changed his daily activities, and he missed spending time with her. With safety concerns increasing, many have stayed away from their family members. Thanks to, family moments can be made possible again.

PackagingSuppliesByMail has Personal Protective Equipment to keep family members safe and healthy. With KN95 Disposable Face Masks to Blue Nitrile Medical Exam Gloves - we have got you covered!

Grandpa has a variety of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to keep him comfortable and fully protected from germs. Below are his PPE from head to toe.


Disposable Hair Nets

ppe - Disposable Hairnet

Our Disposable Hair Nets give Grandpa peace of mind during family outings. These Hair Nets are FDA approved -meaning they meet the highest standards for safety. Hair Nets are perfect for extended use by the wearer - keeping hair clean from contaminants and bacteria.  Available in White, Black, and Brown.

KN95 Disposable Face Masks

KN95 Face Masks are highly effective at filtering out small particles - like bacteria and viruses. Our KN95 Disposable Face Masks have a three-layered system to protect your family against germs. The outer layer repels water, blood, and bodily fluids. The middle filters out bacteria; the inner layer absorbs water, sweat, and saliva. These masks are perfect for maintaining safety when grocery shopping or out with family.

PPE - Disposable Coveralls

Disposable Coveralls  

Disposable Coveralls have excellent protective properties. These coveralls provide security to family members weary about family gatherings. Disposable Coveralls are made with breathable material - so Grandpa can still hug the grand kids and feel safe!

Blue Nitrile Medical Exam Gloves

Blue Nitrile Medical Gloves safeguard the family from infection and bacteria. These gloves provide superior comfort - even kiddos can use them! Blue Nitrile Medical Exam Gloves are created to ensure safety - even in the most demanding conditions.

PackagingSuppliesByMail is here to protect family members - no matter what stage of life. Contact us today - we would love to hear from you! 

Phone: 1-800-486-2467
